Meet our Hero Elina Mae,
who is living the ultimate untamed life at her terms and conditions..
Elina Mäkinen uit Finland heeft een passie voor zwemmen in ijskoud water, onder het ijs van bevroren meren. Ze heeft zelfs meegedaan aan de wereldkampioenschappen ijszwemmen. Ze drijft zichzelf uit haar comfortzone ook al is het pijnlijk en probeert elke dag of zelfs twee keer per dag te gaan ijszwemmen. Ze wil haar ijszwemmen voor geen dag missen, omdat het haar meer kracht geeft en de endorfine rush overweldigend aanvoelt.
Founder & CEO van de ULTRAVIOLET GROUP Annique van der Zande is afgereisd naar Finland en heeft Elina mogen interviewen.
At SAPPH we support women to live their most untamed life. You are a great example for us with everything that you do. What does living an untamed life mean to you and how important is this in your daily life?
An untamed life means for me to do my own thing and live my life in my own way. I strive to be brave everyday and be confident. It’s an attitude towards life.
I think you’re a great inspiration for a lot of women. When did you start ice swimming for the first time, did you like it immediately?
I was four years old when I started ice swimming and I loved it. The endorphin rush and adrenaline boost were overwhelming. Ten years ago, I started ice swimming in a more competitive way. The moment I started doing long distance competitions it started to be my everyday life.
How do you motivate yourself to do this every day?
I am always joking why I didn’t choose a sport like surfing or something else in a sunny weather. On the other hand, for me it’s being part of nature and that is so relaxing for me. Even though I hate the cold too sometimes, this is still more important to me.
Did you find out that there are any physical or mental benefits by doing what you do?
There are a lot of benefits! When I started doing this it was mostly to relief stress, but it helps to recover from muscle pain, and it helps me a lot to concentrate and relax. Even after a long exercise or just a mentally heavy day, this is my way to feel better. And it is very helpful for a good night of sleep.
What does it mean to you being a women doing an extreme sport like this?
It’s more about taking yourself out of your comfort zone and showing yourself there are no limits. So, I mostly do extreme things just for myself and to remind myself to push further, even though you’re not comfortable. I believe when something is uncomfortable, you can make it comfortable actually.
Did you receive any criticism and how did you deal with this?
I get a lot of criticism, but on the other hand mostly positive reactions. It’s more about understanding that you don’t need to listen to anyone else but yourself. And keep moving forward.
Would you recommend other women to try out ice swimming?
Definitely! Everyone will find their own way to enjoy water and enjoy the cold. You can plunge in for a short ice bath or only dip your toes in. It’s really wherever you feel comfortable with, and everyone should do it their own way. I believe many people could relax in the cold.
What's is the biggest advice you received and would like to give to other women?
The biggest advice I received is from my Irish friends; the glory comes from daring to begin. You always must start from somewhere and only by doing you can actually achieve something.
That are some beautiful life lessons.